Connected Component Labeling Algorithm for GPGPU

by Naoki Shibata

1 Connected Component Labeling

Connected Component Labeling (CCL) is a well known technique for assigning a unique label to each of connected components in a given binary image(Fig. 1). It can be used for many purposes including marker detection.


What CCL is
Fig. 1 What CCL is

2 Overview of the algorithm

In this article, I will explain a CCL algorithm[1, 2] suitable for execution on GPGPU. In the algorithm, the kernel is applied to each of the pixels in the frame buffer several times. The kernel does not have a loop, and thus it finishes execution within a constant number of steps. The label propagates exponentially as the kernel is applied to the frame buffer. The kernel is designed so that it can be applied to the pixels in parallel.

The proposed CCL algorithm takes a pointer fb to the frame buffer as its input. We assume that each element (pixel) of the frame buffer can store one 32-bit integer value. Each pixel has a unique address p, and it can be accessed by fb[p]. We also assume that the given image initially stored in the frame buffer is a binary image. If fb[p] is 0, the pixel is in the background color. Otherwise the pixel is in the foreground color. For the sake of simplicity, we assume that the pixels in the most perimeter including fb[0] are in the background color. We will explain the proposed algorithm using the example input image shown in Fig. 2. After executing the CCL algorithm, each pixel in the foreground color will be substituted with the label, which is the smallest address of the pixels in the same connected component, as shown in Fig. 9.


[1] Naoki Shibata, Shinya Yamamoto: GPGPU-Assisted Subpixel Tracking Method for Fiducial Markers, Journal of Information Processing, Vol.22(2014), No.1, pp.19-28, 2014-01. DOI:10.2197/ipsjjip.22.19 [PDF]

[2] Naoki Shibata, Shinya Yamamoto: SumiTag : Inconspicuous Fiducial Marker and GPGPU-Assisted Tracking Method, IPSJ SIG Technical Reports, Nov 2011. [PDF]

3 Preparation kernel

The algorithm consists of the preparation kernel and the propagation kernel. The preparation kernel is first applied to all the pixels once at the initial stage. As a result of, the pixels in the foreground color are substituted with the address of itself(Fig. 3).

kernel void preparation(global int *fb) {
  const int x = get_global_id(0), y = get_global_id(1);
  if (x == 0 || y == 0 || x >= WIDTH-1 || y >= HEIGHT-1) return;
  int ptr = y * WIDTH + x;

  fb[ptr] = (fb[ptr] == 0) ? 0 : ptr;

Algorithm 1 Preparation kernel


Fig. 2 Fig. 3
Fig. 2 Input image Fig. 3 After preparation

4 Naive label propagation

The kernel below implements a naive label propagation algorithm. Function CCLSub returns the smallest label stored in the connected adjacent pixels. By applying the naive algorithm once to the all pixels, the labels can be propagated by one pixel as shown in Fig. 4.

kernel void naive(global int *fb) {
  const int x = get_global_id(0), y = get_global_id(1);
  if (x == 0 || y == 0 || x >= WIDTH-1 || y >= HEIGHT-1) return;
  int ptr = y * WIDTH + x;

  int g = CCLSub(fb, ptr);

  if (g != 0) {
    fb[ptr] = g;

int CCLSub(global int *fb, int ptr) { // returns the smallest label stored in the connected adjacent pixels.
  int g = fb[ptr];

  for(int y=-1;y<=1;y++) {
    for(int x=-1;x<=1;x++) {
      int q = ptr + y*WIDTH + x;
      if (fb[q] != 0 && fb[q] < g) g = fb[q];

  return g;

Algorithm 2 Naive label propagation


Fig. 4
Fig. 4 After 1st pass

5 Device to make the algorithm quicker

The algorithm below propagates labels faster. Applying this algorithm to Fig. 3 results in Fig. 4. At this step, We see no difference between the naive algorithm and the faster algorithm. However, after we apply the algorithm again, the faster algorithm gives the result shown in Fig. 5. By the effect of line 9 in the algorithm below, labels are propagated further than 1 pixel. However, if we apply the algorithm once or twice more, we get the results shown in Fig. 6 and 7, respectively. We see that after the labels are once propagated vertically to the ends, the algorithm propagates labels by only constant pixels with each kernel application.

kernel void slow(global int *fb) {
  const int x = get_global_id(0), y = get_global_id(1);
  if (x == 0 || y == 0 || x >= WIDTH-1 || y >= HEIGHT-1) return;
  int ptr = y * WIDTH + x;

  int g = CCLSub(fb, ptr);

  if (g != 0) {
    fb[ptr] = fb[fb[fb[fb[g]]]];

Algorithm 3 Faster, but still not fast enough


Fig. 5 Fig. 6 Fig. 7
Fig. 5 After 2nd pass Fig. 6 After 3rd pass using the Slow Algorithm Fig. 7 After 4th pass using the Slow Algorithm

6 The fast algorithm

The fast CCL algorithm is shown below. This algorithm propagates labels fast after the labels propagate vertically to the ends. Applying this algorithm to the pixels in Fig. 5 gives the pixels in Fig. 8. In the next application of the kernel, label 11 propagates to the all pixels that have labels 15 or 18 (Fig. 9).

kernel void fastCCL(global int *fb) {
  const int x = get_global_id(0), y = get_global_id(1);
  if (x == 0 || y == 0 || x >= WIDTH-1 || y >= HEIGHT-1) return;
  int ptr = y * WIDTH + x;

  int h = fb[ptr];
  int g = CCLSub(fb, ptr);

  if (g != 0) {
    g = fb[fb[fb[fb[g]]]];
    atomic { fb[h] = min(fb[h], g); }
    atomic { fb[ptr] = min(fb[ptr], g); }

Algorithm 4 The fast CCL kernel


Fig. 8 Fig. 9
Fig. 8 After 3rd pass using the Fast Algorithm Fig. 9 After 4th pass using the Fast Algorithm

7 Real implementation

The following is a non-parallel implementation in Java, that is provided to help understanding.


import java.awt.image.*;
import javax.imageio.*;

public class Label8 {
    static final int NPASS = 11;

    static void preparation(int[][] fb, int iw, int ih) {
        for(int y=0;y < ih;y++) {
            for(int x=0;x < iw;x++) {
		int ptr = y * iw + x;
		fb[0][ptr] = (fb[0][ptr] == 0) ? -1 : ptr;

    static int CCLSub(int[][] fb, int pass, int x0, int y0, int iw, int ih) {
	int g = fb[pass-1][y0 * iw + x0];

	for(int y=-1;y<=1;y++) {
	    if (y + y0 < 0 || y + y0 >= ih) continue;
	    for(int x=-1;x<=1;x++) {
		if (x + x0 < 0 || x + x0 >= iw) continue;
		int q = (y + y0)*iw + x + x0;
		if (fb[pass-1][q] != -1 && fb[pass-1][q] < g) g = fb[pass-1][q];

	return g;

    static void propagation(int[][] fb, int pass, int iw, int ih) {
	for(int y=0;y < ih;y++) {
	    for(int x=0;x < iw;x++) {
		int ptr = y * iw + x;

		fb[pass][ptr] = fb[pass-1][ptr];

		int h = fb[pass-1][ptr];
		int g = CCLSub(fb, pass, x, y, iw, ih);

		if (g != -1) {
		    for(int i=0;i<6;i++) g = fb[pass-1][g];

		    fb[pass][h  ] = fb[pass][h  ] < g ? fb[pass][h  ] : g; // !! Atomic, referring result of current pass
		    fb[pass][ptr] = fb[pass][ptr] < g ? fb[pass][ptr] : g; // !! Atomic

    static void label8(int[][] fb, int iw, int ih) {
	preparation(fb, iw, ih);

        for(int pass=1;pass<NPASS;pass++) {
	    propagation(fb, pass, iw, ih);

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
	System.setProperty("java.awt.headless", "true"); 
	BufferedImage inImage = File(args[0]));
	int iw = inImage.getWidth(), ih = inImage.getHeight();

	int[][] fb = new int[NPASS][iw * ih];

        for(int y = 0;y < ih;y++) {
            for(int x = 0;x < iw;x++) {
		fb[0][y * iw + x] = ((inImage.getRGB(x, y) >> 8) & 255) > 127 ? 1 : 0;

	label8(fb, iw, ih);

	BufferedImage outImage = new BufferedImage(iw, ih, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR);
        for(int y = 0;y < ih;y++) {
            for(int x = 0;x < iw;x++) {
		outImage.setRGB(x, y, fb[NPASS-1][y * iw + x] == -1 ? 0 : (fb[NPASS-1][y * iw + x]  * 1103515245 + 12345));
	ImageIO.write(outImage, "png", new File("output.png"));

Java implementation


You can also try an OpenCL implementation. You can browse the source codes at github.

Example input and output images are shown below.


Fig. 10 Fig. 11
Fig. 10 Simple example input image Fig. 11 Corresponding output image
Fig. 12 Fig. 13
Fig. 12 Dry earth image Fig. 13 Corresponding output image
Fig. 14 Fig. 15
Fig. 14 Spiral image Fig. 15 Corresponding output image
Fig. 16 Fig. 17
Fig. 16 Zigzag spiral image Fig. 17 Corresponding output image


The following tables show kernel execution time obtained by OpenCL profiling information.

Table 1 OpenCL execution time (dryearth.jpg on GeForce GTX 960)
Pass Time (nano sec.)
0 79,904
1 353,152
2 333,952
3 269,056
4 211,392
5 188,384
6 173,760
7 173,792
8 24,096
9 23,392
10 23,552
Total 1,854,432
Table 2 OpenCL execution time (zspiral1280.png on GeForce GTX 960)
Pass Time (nano sec.)
0 218,912
1 931,712
2 860,480
3 838,400
4 796,064
5 642,528
6 935,328
7 905,568
8 578,496
9 69,632
10 69,664
Total 6,846,784
Table 3 OpenCL execution time (dryearth.jpg on GeForce GTX 670)
Pass Time (nano sec.)
0 55,456
1 361,440
2 359,968
3 343,008
4 314,624
5 298,816
6 288,160
7 284,608
8 31,936
9 31,456
10 30,816
Total 2,400,288
Table 4 OpenCL execution time (zspiral1280.png on GeForce GTX 670)
Pass Time (nano sec.)
0 154,336
1 1,032,544
2 1,123,424
3 1,150,528
4 991,488
5 1,033,760
6 1,115,808
7 882,464
8 93,696
9 93,728
10 94,048
Total 7,765,824
Table 5 OpenCL execution time (dryearth.jpg on GeForce GTX 570)
Pass Time (nano sec.)
0 78,720
1 583,168
2 782,272
3 477,280
4 449,440
5 316,768
6 138,272
7 23,232
8 22,944
9 22,912
10 23,008
Total 2,918,016
Table 6 OpenCL execution time (zspiral1280.png on GeForce GTX 570)
Pass Time (nano sec.)
0 194,400
1 851,136
2 993,728
3 1,097,440
4 821,056
5 2,005,184
6 3,852,416
7 364,960
8 63,776
9 63,264
10 63,456
Total 10,370,816

The archive also includes a single-threaded CPU implementation that utilizes AVX2 instructions. The following tables show execution times of this implementation.

Please note that the value labeled to each connected component by the AVX2 implementation differs from the value labeled by the OpenCL implementation. This is due to difference in data alignment.

Table 7 AVX2 execution time (dryearth.jpg on Core i7-4770@3.4GHz)
Pass Time (milli sec.)
0 1.86
1 2.13
2 1.46
3 1.22
4 1.15
Total 7.82
Table 8 AVX2 execution time (zspiral1280.png on Core i7-4770@3.4GHz)
Pass Time (milli sec.)
0 5.13
1 6.23
2 3.62
3 6.40
Total 21.38


Naoki Shibata
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