| tlfloat_octuple () |
constexpr | tlfloat_octuple (const tlfloat_octuple_ &v) |
constexpr | operator tlfloat_octuple_ () const |
| tlfloat_octuple (const tlfloat_quad &v) |
| operator tlfloat_quad () const |
| tlfloat_octuple (const double &d) |
| operator double () const |
template<typename T , typename std::enable_if<(std::is_integral< T >::value &&(sizeof(T)< 8||!std::is_unsigned< T >::value)), int >::type = 0> |
| tlfloat_octuple (const T &i) |
template<typename T , typename std::enable_if<(std::is_integral< T >::value &&std::is_unsigned< T >::value &&sizeof(T)==8), int >::type = 0> |
| tlfloat_octuple (const T &u) |
template<typename T , typename std::enable_if<(std::is_integral< T >::value &&(sizeof(T)< 8||!std::is_unsigned< T >::value)), int >::type = 0> |
| operator T () const |
template<typename T , typename std::enable_if<(std::is_integral< T >::value &&std::is_unsigned< T >::value &&sizeof(T)==8), int >::type = 0> |
| operator T () const |
| tlfloat_octuple (const tlfloat_int128_t_ &i) |
| tlfloat_octuple (const tlfloat_uint128_t_ &u) |
| operator tlfloat_int128_t_ () const |
| operator tlfloat_uint128_t_ () const |
| tlfloat_octuple (const struct tlfloat_int128_t &i) |
| tlfloat_octuple (const struct tlfloat_uint128_t &u) |
template<typename fptype , typename std::enable_if<(sizeof(fptype)==sizeof(tlfloat_octuple_) &&std::is_trivially_copyable< fptype >::value &&!std::is_floating_point< fptype >::value &&!std::is_pointer< fptype >::value &&!std::is_integral< fptype >::value), int >::type = 0> |
| tlfloat_octuple (const fptype &s) |
template<typename fptype , typename std::enable_if<(sizeof(fptype)==sizeof(tlfloat_octuple_) &&std::is_trivially_copyable< fptype >::value &&!std::is_floating_point< fptype >::value &&!std::is_pointer< fptype >::value &&!std::is_integral< fptype >::value), int >::type = 0> |
| operator fptype () const |
tlfloat_octuple | operator+ (const tlfloat_octuple &rhs) const |
tlfloat_octuple | operator- (const tlfloat_octuple &rhs) const |
tlfloat_octuple | operator* (const tlfloat_octuple &rhs) const |
tlfloat_octuple | operator/ (const tlfloat_octuple &rhs) const |
tlfloat_octuple | operator- () const |
tlfloat_octuple | operator+ () const |
bool | operator== (const tlfloat_octuple &rhs) const |
bool | operator!= (const tlfloat_octuple &rhs) const |
bool | operator< (const tlfloat_octuple &rhs) const |
bool | operator<= (const tlfloat_octuple &rhs) const |
bool | operator> (const tlfloat_octuple &rhs) const |
bool | operator>= (const tlfloat_octuple &rhs) const |
tlfloat_octuple & | operator++ () |
tlfloat_octuple & | operator-- () |
tlfloat_octuple | operator++ (int) |
tlfloat_octuple | operator-- (int) |
tlfloat_octuple is a trivially copyable type for handling octuple-precision IEEE floating-point numbers in C and older C++11. The data size and data structure of this type are the same as an octuple-precision floating-point number. When compling C code, this type is an alias for tlfloat_octuple_. When compling C++ code, this is a struct encapsulating a tlfloat_octuple_ variable with operators overloaded.